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    美国经济正在复苏,但格局并不均衡。在此背景下,现代汽车公司(Hyundai Motor Co.)逆势而行,在各大竞争对手纷纷阵地不保、被迫降价时,反而强化了其市场地位。
    全新设计的2013款圣达菲(Santa Fe)酷越多功能车是在美国投产的新车。现代汽车将它定位为与福特Edge、雪佛兰Equinox和丰田RAV4竞争的车型。在现代看来,这款车的主要优势在于既能提供非凡价值,又经济省油。比如,按照现代自己的计算,搭载排量2.0涡轮增压发动机的圣达菲的零售价为28,525美元,比同级车Equinox便宜120美元,比Edge便宜1,015美元。
    所谓的运动版圣达菲在现代起亚汽车(Hyundai''s Kia Motors)位于佐治亚州的西点工厂生产,能容纳5名乘客(现代还在阿拉巴马州的蒙哥马利市拥有另一家工厂)。轴距加长版则具有三排座位,将从韩国进口。

Hyundai Motor Co (南宁翻译
Hyundai Motor Co. is bucking an uneven economic recovery in the U.S., deepening its foothold as rivals lose ground and have been forced to discount their vehicles.
The Hyundai success story has been years in the making. Interest in the Hyundai brand is peaking after years of obscurity when consumers didn''t know it well or regarded it poorly regarded compared to Honda (HMC), Toyota (TM), Ford (F) and others. As a result, sales lately are outstripping Hyundai''s ability to build enough cars, keeping dealer inventories tight and transaction prices high and tight.
Hyundai has positioned its newly designed, U.S.-built 2013 Santa Fe crossover utility vehicle, to compete with models like the Ford Edge, Chevrolet Equinox and Toyota RAV4. The automaker sees the Santa Fe''s main advantage as offering superior value and fuel efficiency. By Hyundai''s reckoning, for example, the retail price of its $28, 525 Santa Fe, with a 2.0-liter turbo engine, is $120 less than the comparable Equinox and $1, 015 less than the comparable Edge.
Built at a factory owned by Hyundai''s Kia Motors affiliate in West Point, Georgia, the so-called "sport" version will accommodate up to five passengers. (Hyundai operates a second U.S. plant in Montgomery, Alabama.) A long wheelbase version of Santa Fe, available with a third row of seats, will be imported from South Korea.
Hyundai executives say the brand''s emphasis on value pricing, superior fuel efficiency and design "have worked well at a time when a lot of American buyers are rethinking their choices, " in the words of Mike O''Brien, vice president of product planning. One brand study shows that respondents with a positive opinion of Hyundai rose to 54% in June, an all-time high, from 30% five years earlier.
Higher regard for Hyundai vehicles is reflected in the higher prices paid for its models, as consumers give the brand credit for higher value and are willing to spend more for optional equipment. According to Edmunds.com, an automotive website, the average transaction price paid for a Hyundai model was $20, 985 in 2007. This year the average transaction price has grown to $23, 126, a whopping increase of 10.2%. The average transaction price for the industry during the same period grew 7.5% to $30, 326 per vehicle.
At the same time, Hyundai has been among those manufacturers that have had to discount their vehicles the least in order to sell them. According to Edmunds.com, Hyundai discounts have been the second or third lowest of the 18 or so tracked by the website, less than $1, 000 per car for most of 2012. That puts it in better shape than even BMW, which has typically not had to spend much to entice customers to buy its tony products.
Overall, the company has improved its position vis-a-vis competitors in other important ways. In terms of market share, it is up to 5%. Together with its Kia affiliate, that gives the Korean manufacturer 9% share -- more than Nissan''s 8% and within striking distance of Honda''s 9.7% through July. Michelle Krebs, a senior analyst for Edmunds.com, said Hyundai "got a lot of momentum last year from the Toyota Camry recalls just at a time when they were starting to sell their Sonata. Toyota''s problems aren''t part of the equation anymore."
John Krafcik, president of Hyundai''s U.S. operations, said the automaker could sell more cars and always is toying with the implications of another factory and more capacity. For the time being, weaker demand in Europe has meant that some vehicles that would have been sold in that region now can be shipped to North America instead.
Hyundai executives are cautious about growing too rapidly. They witnessed the loss of reputation at Toyota when the automaker known for quality and attention to detail cut corners in order to be No. 1 in the world. Hyundai will build more factories, maybe another in the U.S., once executives are convinced expansion won''t bring unintended difficulties.



Stop Being a People-Pleaser(广西翻译公司

If you''ve always felt a compulsion to meet everyone else''s needs before your own, it''s hard to imagine being different. People-pleasing is not only what you do, but a strong part of who you believe you are.
In some jobs, immediate responsiveness comes with the territory (just think of fire fighters). In others a quick reply is preferable, such as with customer service reps or publicists. But in many other work situations, this cycle of responsiveness leads to neglect of the most important activities. Either they don''t happen at all, or you end up filling your nights and weekends doing your "real" work with the last fumes of energy you can summon.
I''m intimately aware of this struggle because as the owner of a time coaching and training company, I''ve worked with clients on six different continents who come to me feeling like victims of their circumstances. This leads them to resist doing the activities that could let them have a more sane work life, such as blocking out time for key activities, because "someone will just mess up my schedule anyway."
If this sounds like you, before you can move forward in your time management habits, you need to realize you don''t have to be so vulnerable to these attacks on your schedule. You can maintain appropriate boundaries.
But first, a few caveats:
Wanting to make people happy is not an intrinsically negative quality. You are not a bad or flawed or inadequate person if serving others and receiving affirmation just fills you with joy. (I know because I''m one of those people!) It''s just that if you feel compelled to always help people even at the expense of other higher priorities you need to condition yourself to be less sensitive to other people''s needs and more aware of your own so you can stay in balance.
Speaking of balance, if you''re never helpful, always insistent on having your way, never wanting to go the extra mile, this article doesn''t apply to you either. It''s good to work as a team, to help others, and to give as much or more than you take. What I outline below applies to those who work themselves like crazy and are feeling exhausted, resentful, and frustrated because they''re not making headway on their own goals.
If you''re ready to start investing your time, instead of letting other people spend it for you, I''ve outlined three common scenarios that can trigger your people-pleaser tendencies and how you can think and act differently:
Many managers feel guilty about the fact that they''re in so many meetings so they develop the mindset that "I''m a bad manager if I don''t always keep my door open when I''m in my office." But this can lead to every spare minute between appointments being filled by people walking through their door eager for attention. In turn, all of their own work needs to happen in the evenings and weekends, which then leads to a cycle of guilt about being a bad spouse, parent, or friend. If this sounds like you, the escape route is to change your standards for what it means to be a good manager. This then frees you to set better boundaries and get more work done at work. For instance your mindset could be: "Part of being a good manager is demonstrating the importance of focusing on high priority work. I can keep my door closed during certain times of the week when I need to get things done without guilt."
In instances like this, you''ve set up strict rules about what someone in a role should or shouldn''t do; but in fact, these rules are negotiable. By changing your standards for what it means to be a good friend, significant other, employee, or committee member, you can keep better boundaries without feeling guilty.
You don''t always need to explain why you''re setting those boundaries, either. You can simply say, "I have to go, " or "I''m so sorry but I can''t come help you at this moment, please send me an e-mail with your request."
The "Yes!" Man or Woman Scenario
If you''re an energetic, service-oriented person, your tendency is to always respond to any request by saying, "Sure, I can do that." Or when you''re sitting in a meeting and someone asks for volunteers to help, you always raise your hand. Or even when no one asks for help but you know they need it you offer to assist. In and of itself, a strong desire to take action isn''t bad. But if this attitude means that you''re completely overloaded with work and unfocused on your top priorities, you are failing to keep the commitments that truly should fall under your ownership. A way you can retrain yourself to not take on too much is to ask the question: "Do I actually have excess time to spend on this activity?" If yes, then it''s fine to take it on. If not and you''re not prepared to let go of something that currently occupies your time you need to refrain from offering your services.
In many instances, there are other people who can step up. If you can''t resist the urge to jump in, disconnect yourself when you''re off hours so that you''re not even aware of every crisis.
Even if it seems like a can''t-miss opportunity, remember that there will always be other chances. There will always be more events, more conferences, more articles, even more crises to solve more of everything. If you don''t make time for what''s an enduring priority for you, such as sleep, rest, or time with important people, you''ll miss out on what truly matters.
The "I''ll Just Do It Myself" Scenario
In my experience, highly intelligent, hardworking people tend to struggle with letting go of control through delegation. This challenge seems most acute when they go from a "doing" role such as a consultant to a "leading" role such as a department head. Instead of passing off responsibilities to the appropriate parties, you tell yourself, "It will just take a minute. I can get this done better and faster than anyone else." These thoughts do have some truth to them in that you may have the ability to execute on some activities very well. But if you''re like most business leaders, you don''t have the minutes to spare. In a typical week, you''ll have just a few precious work hours you can devote to doing the activities that only you can do. The first question you should ask with any item big or small is: "Could someone else do this for me?" If so, delegate it.
The more organized you get, the better you''ll be able to delegate without "inconveniencing" others. But it''s also OK to ask others to pitch in even when it''s not ideal so that you don''t end up buckling under the pressure. If you spend all your work time on activities like fixing computer problems, instead of e-mailing IT, setting up meetings, instead of handing that off to your assistant, and researching and putting together presentations, instead of delegating them to the subject matter experts, you will miss out on leveraging the power of the unique, strategic leadership you can offer to your organization.


学会感恩 ——你应该听过这样一句话:健康的心态可以塑造健康的体魄。是的,科学已经证明,与其他人格变量相比,感恩之情与心理健康关联最为紧密。
使之成为长久的习惯 :每天都想想那些让你感激的事——再忙每个人也能做到。或者坚持写感激日记。每周都记下对给你的生活带来快乐的人的感激,或者把感激的便签贴在你的旁边。每天晚上睡不着时,不要数羊了,数数你的祝福。
减少糖的摄入 ——食物为你的身体提供营养,为你的全面健康提供保证。但糖使人上瘾,降低免疫力,引起念珠菌感染,消耗身体能量,增加不必要的体重。
使之成为长久的习惯: 在你的食谱中加入发酵食物和饮料,这有助于减少你对糖和腌制食品的依赖。
但是没有必要放弃甜味,因为你要放弃的只是糖!买一些健康的糖的替代品,如纯天然、零热量的甜菊糖。向你最爱的花草茶,或是一杯放有新鲜压榨的柠檬(柠檬水更健康)的水中,只需加入几滴甜菊糖,就可以满足你对甜味的需求,并且为你的身体补水,降低(对糖的)需要。了解更多如何用甜菊糖代替糖,请看唐娜·盖茨(Donna Gates)的甜菊糖食谱(The Stevia Cookbook)。
3 多吃蔬菜——蔬菜是自然界最完美的食物,也是地球上最丰富的食物。蔬菜含碱,这是纤维的主要来源,并且富含维生素、矿物质和恢复身体所需的抗氧化剂。
使之成为长久的习惯: 在食杂店里发现9种最健康的冬季蔬菜(Healthiest Winter Vegetables) 。把你最爱的蔬菜的益处贴在冰箱上。热爱海藻和海洋蔬菜(Seaweeds and Sea Vegetables)。每周尝试一份新食谱。煮蔬菜汤(早餐食用!)。以一份早上好绿色冰沙(Good Morning Greens Smoothie)开始你的一天。
使之成为长久的习惯: 创造一个支持更多运动的环境。在你的iPod里存入你最爱的活力音乐。结伴:挑选一项有趣的运动,并约好日期。如果由于天气、疲劳或一些共同的事情中断了锻炼,就用蹦跳(rebounding)代替。选择走路或骑车代替开车,走楼梯代替乘电梯。
多睡觉 ——在任意一个治疗方案中,睡眠都是最重要的内容之一。充足的睡眠对你的健康至关重要,并且可以促进新陈代谢、有助于保持健康的体重、改善情绪、保护心血管健康和对抗疾病。
使之成为长久的习惯: 首要的是,为睡眠腾出时间。你计划什么时间睡觉,在此至少一小时前就放松下来。整理卧室,找一个喜爱的枕头,保持床单的清洁,创造一个适于睡眠的舒适环境。仔细读读更好睡眠的10个方法(10 Resolutions to Commit to Better Sleep)。
以某一个习惯开始,并按循序渐进的原则(Principle of Step by Step)进行练习。腾出你的时间,像婴儿学步似的一点一滴地来,这样可以鼓励你形成长久的习惯,使你一生感受到身心愉悦。

5 Feel Good Habits to Cultivate in the New Year(广西翻译公司
Don’t let failed New Year’s resolutions get you down. Instead, learn some powerful tips for creating lasting habits that will have you feeling good for a lifetime!
For many people. New Year’s Resolutions can start to feel like a long list of “should dos” and “ought tos” that leave you feeling hopeless.
Why? Because many times, when creating new habits, we forget two important things...we forget to (1) make time for the new habits we want to incorporate and (2) take it step by step.
The thing is, we already live in a 24/7 world and if you stop and think about it, how much “spare time” do you really have these days?
Adding one more thing – especially a new habit – can feel overwhelming, to say the least. So we’re going to suggest that you skip the idea of a “New Year’s resolution” and instead, focus on some healthy habits that will have you feeling your best for a lifetime. But here’s the key...every time you add any one of these habits, you must eliminate a habit that isn’t serving you (or not adding to the quality of your life).
Here’s how to start cultivating our top 5 feel good habits:
1. Develop an attitude of gratitude – You’ve probably heard that a healthy mind will help to create a healthy body. Well, science has shown that gratitude has one of the strongest links with mental health compared to other personality variables.1
Studies also show that people who practice gratitude on a regular basis feel more optimistic, determined, energized, and less stressed . They begin to exercise more regularly and make more progress toward personal goals.2
An attitude of gratitude provides a solid foundation that can support growth in other areas of your life. And if you understand the Law of Attraction, then you know that the more grateful you are, the more you get to be grateful about!
Making it a lasting habit : Think about what you are grateful about each day – anyone could fit that into a busy schedule! Or take action by keeping a Gratitude Journal. Write weekly notes of appreciation to people that bring joy to your life or placing sticky notes of thanks around your work or living space. Forget sheep, count your blessings as you ease yourself to sleep each night!
2. Reduce your sugar intake – Nourish your body with foods that will support your overall health. Sugar is addictive, lowers your immunity, contributes to candida infections, robs your body of energy, and can pack on needless pounds.
Making it a lasting habit: Adding fermented foods and drinks to your diet can help eliminate your cravings for sugar and processed foods.
But there’s no need to give up the sweet taste, just because you’re giving up sugar! Stock up on the healthy alternatives to sugar, like all-natural, zero calorie Stevia. A few drops of Stevia added to your favorite herbal tea or a glass of water with fresh squeezed lemon (for a healthier lemonade) can satisfy your sweet tooth AND re-hydrate your body to reduce cravings. To learn how to use Stevia instead of sugar, read The Stevia Cookbook, by Donna Gates.
Is your sweet tooth making it too hard to give up sugar? Satisfy your sweet tooth with all-natural, zero calorie Stevia instead! Stevia is a safe natural sweetener that doesn’t spike your blood sugar and better yet, it’s 300 times sweeter than sugar, so you only need a few drops. And unlike sugar, Stevia is not addictive, so you can enjoy the sweet taste without setting up a vicious cycle of cravings.
3. Eat more vegetables – Vegetables are nature''s most perfect foods and are also the most abundant foods on earth. They are alkaline-forming, a great source of fiber, and rich with the vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants needed to heal your body.
Making it a lasting habit: Discover the 9 Healthiest Winter Vegetables in your grocery store. Post the benefits of your favourite veggies on your fridge. Become fascinated with Seaweeds and Sea Vegetables. Experiment with a new recipe each week. Make vegetable soups (and try them for breakfast!). Start your day with a Good Morning Greens Smoothie.
4. Exercise – Getting more active can help to jumpstart your metabolism, strengthen your cardiovascular system, improve your flexibility, manage your weight, control your blood pressure, and improve your sleep! 3, 4
Walking, Yoga, Rebounding, stretching, dancing around your kitchen... What stirs you into motion? There are hundreds of activities that will improve your health as you move your body. Find an activity that you truly enjoy and get moving! Your body (and mind) will appreciate it.
Making it a lasting habit: Create an environment that supports more activity. Fill your iPod with your favourite energetic tunes. Partner up: choose a fun exercise and schedule play dates. If bad weather, fatigue or joint issues are stopping you from exercising, try rebounding instead. Choose to walk or bike instead of drive and take the stairs instead of the elevator.
Get more sleep – Sleep is one of the most important elements to any healing program. Getting adequate sleep is vital for your health and can boost your metabolism, help you maintain a healthy weight, enhance your mood, protect your cardiovascular health, and fight illness and disease.5
The long winter nights are the perfect time to introduce more sleep into your daily routine. And it’s during hours of rest that your adrenals work hard to repair and rejuvenate your body!
Making it a lasting habit : First and foremost, make time for sleep. Plan when you want to go to bed and start winding down at least an hour before that. Create a comfortable sleeping environment by decluttering your bedroom, finding a pillow you love and freshening your sheets regularly. Read up on 10 Resolutions to Commit to Better Sleep.
And finally, commit to removing a habit that is no longer serving you so that you can replace it with a new habit that will have you feeling your best. What can you let go of? Watching TV? Surfing the Net late into the night? Take a look at your daily habits and you’ll surely find something you’d like to eliminate.
Once you do, start with one feel good habit and practice the Principle of Step by Step. Freeing up your time to take small baby steps little by little can encourage you to cultivate lasting habits that leave you feeling good for a lifetime!


南宁翻译公司)依据你目前状况和所拥有的工作经验,求职可以从多个角度考虑。 但是从经济的角度来看,求职显然是困难的、令人头疼的而且是相当缓慢的一个过程。 不论你如何看待这个问题,你都有可能忽略一些重要的方面。
竞争的机会。如果你曾经在高中时参加过运动比赛、带领过大学生辩论队、或是举办过科学展览, 你就会承认竞争亦是很有趣的。在现实生活中, 我们许多人喜欢与人竞争。不论输赢,这是一个与其他一些人较量实力和技能的机会。因此,尽管有时求职很艰难,我们总是在求职过程中享受着求职带来的快乐。
重新思考一下职业的选择。尽管有个相对应社交网络而言较为清晰的求职目标很重要, 但是,你仍然需要思考一下。评估一下你现在的职业,确定你是否干得很开心还是忙于应付你一直所从事的事情。
拥有激情。求职过程中的一个应当考虑的因素是在生活中要有激情。不论这种激情是什么--- 开始创办自己的公司、开始写小说、开始创作一首歌曲,那么你现在就开始做,因为这是你职业的一种突破。如果真是这样, 你会很高兴发现你开始有了自己的爱好。 给自己一个机会去开展这个爱好。

What opportunities might you be missing while looking for a job(广西翻译公司)search can be viewed many different ways, depending on your situation and experience. In this economy, it’s clearly difficult, frustrating, and slow. But no matter how you look at it, you’re likely missing some key aspects.
The chance to compete. If you played sports in high school, led the college debate team, or entered the science fair, you’ll have to admit that it’s fun to compete. Many of us enjoy putting ourselves out there against others in life. Win or lose, it’s a chance to measure your skills and experience against a slew of others. So as difficult as it might be, try to enjoy that aspect of your job search.
New long-term relationships. Probably the single biggest opportunity for job seekers is to establish a long-term network, one you can help, nurture, and lean on throughout the rest of your career. Admittedly, you have a LinkedIn profile and network most of your friends drool over, even if they don’t see the immediate value. And your local community gets more interesting as you bump into more pals than everyone else when out at the car wash, grocery store, or nightclub. But this is an opportunity to grow your network even more.
Rethink your career options. While it’s important to have clear job-search objectives for an effective social networking effort, you can still take time to think. Evaluate your career to date and figure out if you’re doing what leaves you happy or just doing what you’ve always done.
Be with family and friends. There’s a significant opportunity during job search to tackle some important tasks. But first on the list should be making up for lost time with family and friends. Since you can’t look for a job 16 hours a day, what else could you be doing? There are 101 (other) things you can do while looking for a job. Pick a few and get started today.
Pursue a passion. One of the (other) ideas you should consider during job search is to take action on a passion in life. Whether it’s fly fishing, starting your own company, writing a novel or a country song, take the time now—because this may be the only major break in your career. If it is, you’ll be glad you got started on the project. Reward your ideas with the chance to be born.